Using Bounded Model Checking with SMV


Bounded model checking is a technique that uses a SAT solver to search for counterexamples of a bounded length. Finding counterexamples in this way is sometimes significantly faster than using symbolic model checking. Thus, you may want to use bounded model checking while "debugging" your proof, and then switch to full model checking to complete the proof.


SMV comes with its own SAT solver, which it uses by default. However, it can be made to work with your favorite SAT solver that uses the DIMACS format. I recommend the "zChaff" solver from Princeton university. SMV has built-in support for this solver, but you must install it yourself.

Under a Unix-like operating system

To use zChaff, you only have to install the pre-compiled binary from Princeton and make it available under the name "zchaff" in your PATH. Please note that Princeton makes zChaff available for free download only for evaluation and non-commercial use. For commercial use, the software must be licensed. The SMV license does not cover zChaff or any other SAT solver. See below for instructions on using SMV with other SAT solvers.

Under a Windows operating systems

Currently no pre-compiled zChaff binary is available for the Windows operating systems. This means you must download the source code and compile it using the GNU tools under Cygwin. Then make the resulting binary available under the name "zchaff" in your Win32 PATH. Also, make the library cygwin1.dll available in your Win32 PATH. This is very important! SMV is not a Cygwin application. It will not find programs and libraries in your Cygwin PATH. If you get the error message "child process exited abnormally" when you try to use bounded model checking, you have probably done this incorrectly. Try running zchaff from a DOS command line to make sure that Windows is finding the zchaff binary and the cygwin1.dll library.

Using bounded model checking

Use of bounded model checking with SMV is described in the man page smv(1). Briefly, the command

smv -bmc -l length file.smv

will check properties in file "file.smv" using bounded model checking, with maximum counterexample length of "length" transitions. Note, this can only produce counterexamples, and will never produce the result "true" for a property. Bounded model checking can also be selected in the options menu in the visual interface "vw". To use your favorite sat solver instead of SMV's default solver, add the "-satsolver" option, like this:

smv -bmc -l length -satsolver zchaff file.smv

Interfacing SAT solvers to SMV

Unfortunately, while there is a standard input format for SAT solvers (the DIMACS format), there is apparently no standard output format. This means that to interface a SAT solver to SMV you must write a wrapper script that parses the output of the solver and writes the result to a file in a standard format. The script can be written in any language under Unix. Under windows, only Tcl scripts are supported.

Suppose, for example, that you have a SAT solver named "foosat". You should write a script called runfoosat, to be executed as follows:

runfoosat inputfilename outputfilename

The input file will be in DIMACS format (accepted by most SAT solvers). The output file must be a sequence of decimal numbers separated by whitespace (that is, space, tab and newline characters). The first number in this list is zero for the unsatisfiable case, and one for the satisfiable case. In the satisfiable case, the remaining numbers are the numbers of the positive literals in the satisfying assignment. Negative numbers included in this file are ignored. The literals need not be sorted. Any other output from the solver (e.g., run-time statistics) can be passed through to the standard output, and will we displayed as part of SMV's "log".

On Unix-like operating systems, the script runfoosat should be made executable and placed somewhere in the user's path. On windows, the script runfoosat must be a Tcl script, and must be placed in the folder "bin" in the SMV installation folder (by default c:\Program Files\SMV\bin). As an example, here is the script runzchaff:
# the next line restarts using tclsh \
exec tclsh "$0" "$@"

set f [open "|zchaff [lindex $argv 0]" "r"]
set outfile [open [lindex $argv 1] "w"]

while {![eof $f]} {
gets $f l
puts $l
if {[string match *unsatisfiable* $l]} {
puts $outfile 0
} elseif {[string match *satisfiable* $l]} {
puts $outfile 1
while {![eof $f]} {
gets $f l
if {[string match Max* $l]} {
puts $outfile $l

close $f
close $outfile

Ken McMillan
Last modified: Fri Oct 11 17:46:05 PDT 2002