Creating an Application

Drawing a View for PersonalMoneyShell

Use the View Composer to draw the shell view for a PersonalMoneyShell.

The connection points to the Presenter are as follows:

Sub-presenter type Connection name Model aspect
TextPresenter 'owner' #owner
ListPresenter 'accounts' #accounts

Also you must configure the command buttons appropriately:

"command" aspect "text" aspect
#newAccount &New
#editAccount &Edit
#removeAccount &Delete
#exit E&xit

In order to use the document save and load facilities you will have to add a File menu containing the commands: #fileOpen, #fileSave and #fileSaveAs. Use the Menu Composer accessible from Draw/Menu/MenuBar to do this.

Testing the PersonalMoney application

To start the application, evaluate:

PersonalMoneyShell show

Enter your name in the owner field and then press the New button to add an account. You can enter transactions on this account as before. If you wish to save your account information choose File/Save and enter an appropriate name for the file (it will be given a .PM extension by default). Later you can reload this file using File/Open.

The PersonalMoney application in use

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